anger management

Mindful EFT- solving a relationship crisis

EFT is an amazingly useful and versatile therapy process. Sometimes when we tap we don’t have to speak set-up phrases such as ‘Even though I am anxious, I still love …

EEFT Foundation Courses in April 2016

The Energy EFT Foundation (EEFT) course is an all day course which explains, demonstrates and teaches all the key principles of EFT. If you want to learn more about EFT, …

Phil Gowler Path

The Sanctuary- Safe Place meditation

The Sanctuary is quite an amazing technique, used during EFT therapy, but it is also a stand-alone meditation technique. On Tuesday 15th March at 6.30pm, I will be holding a …

Phil Gowler Anxiety Image

10 Minute Anxiety Relief Technique

Here is my video of a 10 minute anxiety relief technique using a meditation-style visualisation and the creation of a ‘safe place’ where you can go when you need to. …