Phil Gowler Anger Image

Anger Management

As a therapist I probably see around 30% of my clients for anger management issues. This is no great surprise. Life for many people these days is not easy. If …

Phil Gowler Path

Are inspirational quotes doing you any good?

Well this may seem an odd question, the internet is awash with inspirational quotes. We are being told by inspirational speakers that we should surround ourselves with inspirational quotes. Preferably …

Therapy vs Life Coaching

Is Life Coaching therapy?  Is therapy actually Life Coaching? To adapt an old joke: What is the difference between a Life Coach and a therapist? Answer: About 20 pounds an …

EEFT Foundation Course Feedback blog

Once again, a day of Energy EFT (EEFT) with some marvellous delegates has been a day of energy, joy and power. So what can you expect from this amazing day? …